Sole Proprietorship


Our Sole Proprietorship Business Name Registration: If you’re operating under a name different from your own legal name, you may need to register a business name.



Sole Proprietorship:

  1. Business Name Registration: If you’re operating under a name different from your own legal name, you may need to register a business name.
  2. Owner’s Personal Information: This is required and includes full legal name, address and contact information.
  3. Business Address and Contact Information: The physical location of the business (if applicable) and a mailing address, as well as phone number and email address for business communications are also required.
  4. Nature of the Business: A brief description of the business activities or services offered is required. This helps in categorizing the business for regulatory, tax, and licensing purposes.

We are also able to provide advice relating to:

  1. Licenses and Permits: Depending on the nature of the business, specific licenses or permits may be required to operate legally. This can include health department permits, professional licenses, or environmental permits.
  2. Tax Registrations: Sole proprietors will need to register for specific tax-related numbers, such as HST. We provide this as an added service.
  3. Zoning and Land Use Permits: If your business operates from a physical location, especially if it’s from your home, you may need to obtain zoning clearances or home-based business permits.
  4. Professional and Trade Associations: Some businesses may require registration or membership in professional or trade associations, depending on the industry.
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Sole Proprietorship
